Welcome, Visitors!
Going to a new church may seem a little awkward at first, so we have included this page to help make your visit to our church an enjoyable and uplifting experience.
When do you have services?
Sunday morning services (Labor Day until the weekend before Memorial Day weekend)
What are worship services like?
Visitors are always welcome to each of our services. It's easy as can be to follow the service, as it is printed out for you in a Path of Worship that we hand you when you arrive. Or you can follow along with the words on the screen in the front of the church. Services generally last just about an hour.
You can sit in any of the padded rows you'd like when you arrive. Our pastor always make you feel like he is talking just to you as he shares the Word of God. The services are a blend of traditional and newer styles and music, holding on to the best of traditional worship while sharing the greatest of newer material available.
Who leads the church?
Pastor Benjamin Golisch is a gifted leader who shares the truth of God's Word and the warmth of God's love. We also have elected leaders who help guide the church's activities and give members opportunities to serve the Lord. For more information please visit our Leadership page.
What do I wear to services?
There is no dress code. We all try to remember that we're going to see Someone Important (Jesus!), but for some that means casual and others dress up more. It's your choice. In summer, many wear shorts, and that's okay! (please note that the facility is fully air-conditioned).
How will I know what to do when I get to your church?
The pastor will greet you with joy when you arrive, and other members are on hand to welcome you and help you. You might want to mention that it's your first time at St. Paul so they can assist you better.
Where are you located?
We are about 20 miles north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The church is located in the village of Slinger one block north of Highway 60 and just east of Highway 175 (you'll see our sign on Hwy 175 as it directs you to go just a block into our subdivision). Our address is 799 St. Paul Drive, Slinger, WI 53086. Click here for a map and directions.
Where do I park?
The upper parking lot has access to the Church entry doors (used for worship service) and the Preschool entry doors. The lower parking lot has access to the Childcare Center and the Christian Family Center & Gymnasium. You can park in either lot and use the stairs or elevator to get to any part of the building. Everything is marked for you.
Is your building handicap accessible?
Yes, we have an elevator and ramps to our main entrances.
Can I take part in Communion if I visit?
God's Word tells us that the Christian needs to examine him/herself before taking the Lord's Supper so that we don't bring God's judgment on ourselves (see 1 Corinthians 11:27-29). Out of Christian concern for others, we ask only those whom we have instructed and who know how to properly examine themselves to come forward for Holy Communion. In addition, participating together in Holy Communion is a public statement about what ones believes about Jesus and his sacrifice and his Word. Therefore, guests who are not members of St. Paul should speak with one of the pastors before taking part in the Lord's Supper at St. Paul.
Do you collect an offering?
Yes, members bring offerings before the Lord as an expression of love for God. He is the Giver of everything we enjoy in this life. We are privileged to share back with God a portion of what we enjoy.
Visitors should not feel obligated to give an offering, but you may if you like. Our offerings are used to carry out the mission of Saint Paul congregation in sharing Jesus with our community and world, and of nurturing God's people in discipleship. Our offerings consist not only of money shared through the offering plate, but really encompass our entire lives, the sharing also with the Lord of our time and our talents. God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:7)
For your convenience, St. Paul also offers an online giving option.
Do you offer Sunday School for children?
Yes, our Sunday School meets for 1 hour between the services (September-May) each Sunday morning at 9:00, while parents are invited to attend our Bible classes. We include children from three years old through eighth grade.
Can children attend the services?
Yes! We welcome children to our worship services to hear God's Word. The last few pews in the back of the chapel are especially reserved for parents with small children, though families may sit wherever they'd like. We also offer special children's bulletins and crayons so kids can color pictures relating to the day's theme. If you need to leave for a moment, for quiet time, the ushers can direct you to our Library where you can also see and hear the service.
Is childcare available during the service?
No. At Saint Paul, we rejoice in the presence of children at our services. We feel that it is important for the whole family to grow together in the worship and Word of the Lord. In addition, memories of parent's modeling their faith are placed into a child's heart. Families that pray together regularly grow to be strong families.
What other programs do you have for our family?
As you look through our web site you will see that we are a family-centered congregation with many activities for every age group. Through these activities we hope to reach out with the Gospel to the Slinger community and to further nurture our members' faith in our risen Savior. See the Ministries page for more details.
What should I do if I am interested in becoming a member of St. Paul?
Mention your interest to our pastor after worship or contact him by phone or email. We offer a wonderful Bible Basics Class to instruct and review the basic truths of the Bible. These classes can be taken to become a member or just to gain more insight into God's Word.
I'm new to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Where can I find out more about your beliefs and doctrines?
We list our beliefs on this web site. In addition, the synod maintains an excellent web site that has a lot of information about the church. For more information go to www.wels.net.
I'm new to Christianity, what about me?
Our church offers a Bible Basics Class for those who are new to the Christian faith. It is a wonderful opportunity to explore the core teachings of Christianity. In addition, a great resource for growing in your faith is located at www.whataboutjesus.com. Our pastor would love to have the opportunity to speak with you about your questions.
How do I get more information?
Just call the church (262-644-8890) and someone will get back with you or click here to send us an email.
Going to a new church may seem a little awkward at first, so we have included this page to help make your visit to our church an enjoyable and uplifting experience.
When do you have services?
Sunday morning services (Labor Day until the weekend before Memorial Day weekend)
- 7:45am and 10:30 am
- 9:00 am (only one service)
- 6:30pm (same as the following Sunday morning service)
What are worship services like?
Visitors are always welcome to each of our services. It's easy as can be to follow the service, as it is printed out for you in a Path of Worship that we hand you when you arrive. Or you can follow along with the words on the screen in the front of the church. Services generally last just about an hour.
You can sit in any of the padded rows you'd like when you arrive. Our pastor always make you feel like he is talking just to you as he shares the Word of God. The services are a blend of traditional and newer styles and music, holding on to the best of traditional worship while sharing the greatest of newer material available.
Who leads the church?
Pastor Benjamin Golisch is a gifted leader who shares the truth of God's Word and the warmth of God's love. We also have elected leaders who help guide the church's activities and give members opportunities to serve the Lord. For more information please visit our Leadership page.
What do I wear to services?
There is no dress code. We all try to remember that we're going to see Someone Important (Jesus!), but for some that means casual and others dress up more. It's your choice. In summer, many wear shorts, and that's okay! (please note that the facility is fully air-conditioned).
How will I know what to do when I get to your church?
The pastor will greet you with joy when you arrive, and other members are on hand to welcome you and help you. You might want to mention that it's your first time at St. Paul so they can assist you better.
Where are you located?
We are about 20 miles north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The church is located in the village of Slinger one block north of Highway 60 and just east of Highway 175 (you'll see our sign on Hwy 175 as it directs you to go just a block into our subdivision). Our address is 799 St. Paul Drive, Slinger, WI 53086. Click here for a map and directions.
Where do I park?
The upper parking lot has access to the Church entry doors (used for worship service) and the Preschool entry doors. The lower parking lot has access to the Childcare Center and the Christian Family Center & Gymnasium. You can park in either lot and use the stairs or elevator to get to any part of the building. Everything is marked for you.
Is your building handicap accessible?
Yes, we have an elevator and ramps to our main entrances.
Can I take part in Communion if I visit?
God's Word tells us that the Christian needs to examine him/herself before taking the Lord's Supper so that we don't bring God's judgment on ourselves (see 1 Corinthians 11:27-29). Out of Christian concern for others, we ask only those whom we have instructed and who know how to properly examine themselves to come forward for Holy Communion. In addition, participating together in Holy Communion is a public statement about what ones believes about Jesus and his sacrifice and his Word. Therefore, guests who are not members of St. Paul should speak with one of the pastors before taking part in the Lord's Supper at St. Paul.
Do you collect an offering?
Yes, members bring offerings before the Lord as an expression of love for God. He is the Giver of everything we enjoy in this life. We are privileged to share back with God a portion of what we enjoy.
Visitors should not feel obligated to give an offering, but you may if you like. Our offerings are used to carry out the mission of Saint Paul congregation in sharing Jesus with our community and world, and of nurturing God's people in discipleship. Our offerings consist not only of money shared through the offering plate, but really encompass our entire lives, the sharing also with the Lord of our time and our talents. God loves a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:7)
For your convenience, St. Paul also offers an online giving option.
Do you offer Sunday School for children?
Yes, our Sunday School meets for 1 hour between the services (September-May) each Sunday morning at 9:00, while parents are invited to attend our Bible classes. We include children from three years old through eighth grade.
Can children attend the services?
Yes! We welcome children to our worship services to hear God's Word. The last few pews in the back of the chapel are especially reserved for parents with small children, though families may sit wherever they'd like. We also offer special children's bulletins and crayons so kids can color pictures relating to the day's theme. If you need to leave for a moment, for quiet time, the ushers can direct you to our Library where you can also see and hear the service.
Is childcare available during the service?
No. At Saint Paul, we rejoice in the presence of children at our services. We feel that it is important for the whole family to grow together in the worship and Word of the Lord. In addition, memories of parent's modeling their faith are placed into a child's heart. Families that pray together regularly grow to be strong families.
What other programs do you have for our family?
As you look through our web site you will see that we are a family-centered congregation with many activities for every age group. Through these activities we hope to reach out with the Gospel to the Slinger community and to further nurture our members' faith in our risen Savior. See the Ministries page for more details.
What should I do if I am interested in becoming a member of St. Paul?
Mention your interest to our pastor after worship or contact him by phone or email. We offer a wonderful Bible Basics Class to instruct and review the basic truths of the Bible. These classes can be taken to become a member or just to gain more insight into God's Word.
I'm new to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Where can I find out more about your beliefs and doctrines?
We list our beliefs on this web site. In addition, the synod maintains an excellent web site that has a lot of information about the church. For more information go to www.wels.net.
I'm new to Christianity, what about me?
Our church offers a Bible Basics Class for those who are new to the Christian faith. It is a wonderful opportunity to explore the core teachings of Christianity. In addition, a great resource for growing in your faith is located at www.whataboutjesus.com. Our pastor would love to have the opportunity to speak with you about your questions.
How do I get more information?
Just call the church (262-644-8890) and someone will get back with you or click here to send us an email.
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. ~ Luke 15:10